If you have a few or all of your teeth missing, one solution is to have a denture. A denture is made from hardwearing material that mimics the look of teeth and gums to give you mouth a natural appearance. Your denture will be made to fit snugly on your gums, and you will be able to remove it for cleaning and when you go to bed.

When you wear a denture for the first time it may get some getting used to when speaking or eating and chewing. It is also important that you take extra care with your hygiene regime so that you avoid bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. You may also need to spend some time getting used to speaking comfortably again, perhaps with some facial exercises. Equally, dentures can stain, and develop plaque and tartar just as natural teeth can. You will also need to keep brushing your tongue, gums and cheeks with a soft toothbrush twice daily, to prevent bad breath and fungal infections.
The hygienist will be able to show you how to best take care of your dentures and gums and will tell you about specialised brushes and cleaning products you can use to do this.